Breakthrough to Physique Tempering Stage Eight

The breeze drifted by lazily as raindrops resounded gently. Outside the window, large drops of rain landed heavily onto the tree leaves. On that summer night, it created a refreshing breeze.

Inside the master bedroom on the first floor, a large bed was covered with red satin veils. There, some heated spring action was ongoing.


A euphoric yelp of pain ensued!

Yao Rou had given her first to Ling Yun. Bright red blood flowed continuously, staining the sheets.

The clouds tumbled, and the rain fell. Their bodies entangled into one another. Each time Ling Yun sent Yao Rou to her climax, he quietly used the dual cultivation technique—absorbing all of Yao Rou's innocence, essence, and Yin Qi greedily, he didn't let a single drop go!

Ling Yun was enjoying this as much as he could.

Channeling the Yin-Yang harmony balance, Ling Yun regulated the Yin Qi within his body. With his fiery Yang body, his qi flowed quickly into Yao Rou's body!