Cutting the King of Stones! Soul-Enticing Imperial Green Jade!

The surroundings were so silent that even a whisper was audible!

"What? Did I hear wrong? The Lord of Jade will compensate Ling Yun with his Green Dragon Out at Sea?"

"Eh… He bought it for two hundred million. Someone even offered four hundred million for it, which he didn't take. Now he's going to give it away for free?"

"Just for a chance to cut the King of Stones? That guy might have really good luck, but that King of Stones might not contain jade in it, right?"

"Yes, the Lord of Jade will have made such a huge loss if it's really just a trashy piece of rock…"

"He made a huge loss already. The three cartloads of stones he sold to Ling Yun at eighty million had jade in every single one of them. Now there's even such a huge piece of top-grade red jade…"

"He was so petty just before but so generous now. The Lord of Jade is really mysterious…"

"Don't you understand? The Lord of Jade wants to befriend that guy…"