Robbed? Deceived?

Mo Tiange left after staying at this small market square for several days.

Although she and Tianqiao acknowledged each other, in the end, their paths were different. Tianqiao would never leave her husband and Mo Tiange also didn't have the ability to provide protection for Tianqiao and her husband, so it was better that they went their respective paths.

After the first day, Mo Tiange didn't see that Meng Sigui again. Nevertheless, she finally left a few bottles of Aura-Nourishing Pills and some cultivation insight with Tianqiao for him before she left the market square.

Tianqiao didn't have spiritual roots, and Mo Tiange didn't have the ability to transform Tianqiao into a cultivator. She only wished that Meng Sigui would take these medicinal pills into consideration, or be fearful of her cultivation level and treat Tianqiao a bit better in the future.

After flying for several days to the north, Mo Tiange finally arrived at the monastery of Tiandao Sect.