Concocting Medicinal Pills

Having solved the issue with those three unlucky souls, Mo Tiange went looking for a place to rest.

As expected of the Immortals Assembly, the streets were full of people. Several inns Mo Tiange visited were all full. With no other alternatives, she could only rent an expensive hut from Tiandao Sect.

Right afterward, she headed to a shop belonging to Tiandao Sect named Hall of Hundred Grasses.

With the Immortals Assembly approaching, the apothecary was jam-packed with people buying all kinds of medicinal pills. There was only one corner completely devoid of any guests. A second layer Aura Refining old man in the attire of Tiandao Sect part-time disciple was quietly dozing off there.

Mo Tiange observed her surroundings for a moment. After discovering that the quiet corner was the spot to buy and sell spiritual plants, she immediately headed for that corner and knocked on the counter.