Another old Acquaintance

Mo Tiange naturally didn't know what Wei Jiasi was shocked about. Well, right now, she really didn't want to deal with this kind of thing.

Now that she was almost done with her cultivation technique manual, her skills in concocting pills had also gradually reached a point where she could enjoy the process. It was time for her to prepare to build her foundation.

She currently had a Foundation-Building Pill and two Foundation-Refining Pills. If she could concoct a Constitution-Enhancing Pill, her odds of success in building her foundation would be very high, especially under Martial Uncle Xuanyin's guidance.

Bit by bit, she had bought the materials required for a Constitution-Enhancing Pill. The only item she lacked was a 500-year-old Black Eagle Fern, which she had asked the school's shops to help her locate.