Everyone Had Their Own Good Fortune

This was someone she parted with at Mount Yunwu more than ten years ago, Jiang Shanghang!

Jiang Shanghang was completely different from how he was more than ten years ago. Back when Mo Tiange met Jiang Shanghang when they first entered Yunwu Sect, he was young and looked upright, but he always emitted a gloomy vibe and his face was often filled with disdain, so people hardly wanted to get close to him.

On the contrary, the current Jiang Shanghang looked slightly younger than before— truth be told, he wasn't fifty years old yet, so he was considerably young for a Foundation Building cultivator. He was now a lot thinner than before, but his uncomfortable gloomy vibe had become a cold indifference. His expression also became milder. It was no longer filled with disdain but instead, it now showed a faint nonchalance.