The Real Purpose

Upon hearing what he said, a slight wrinkle emerged on Mo Tiange's brows. Sure enough, there was indeed something Jiang Shanghang hadn't told her yet!

Jiang Shanghang took a quick glance at her then said to Ren Yufeng, "I still haven't told her in detail."

Ren Yufeng said, "Then it's time for you to tell her."

Mo Tiange shifted her eyes at Jiang Shanghang, awaiting his explanation. Although she had long expected the matter to not be so simple, she still felt unhappy now that the matter was laid in front of her.

Confronted with her gaze, Jiang Shanghang cleared his throat then said rather uneasily, "Junior Martial... Sister Ye, don't get mad yet. I didn't tell you before because this matter is very important. However, everything I promised you before is still in effect. The only reason I didn't tell you was because it wasn't convenient for me to do so before."