Split up to Escape

The six of them continued to run frantically. However, this underground palace was too vast; since they took about half a day to enter, how could they possibly leave in an instant?

While they ran, all of the divine dragon's breath in the underground palace rushed madly towards the direction of the divine dragon hall.

Mo Tiange glanced back quickly. The dark passage was completely quiet, and the only weak source of light came from the weak lights of the moonstones they were carrying. Nevertheless, within this quiet, there was a kind of pressure which made her tremble with fear.

As the divine dragon's breath gradually faded, the pressure it brought also lightened. Despite this, the six of them became even more frightened because the fading divine dragon's breath was actually accumulating in one person's body, and they had no idea how that person would end up after he absorbed all the divine dragon's breath.