Give and Take

Mo Tiange naturally knew Wei Haolan was trying to raise the price, but she had the Transporting Formation in her possession, so she basically knew she had the capital to do so. As Mo Tiange fixated her gaze on Wei Haolan, she gave her next offer: "2,000 spirit stones."

Wei Haolan's gaze finally wavered, but instead of answering, she gave Mo Tiange a wide smile and praised: "Fellow Daoist Ye's really domineering. 2,000 spirit stones just to borrow a Transporting Formation one time is indeed very generous."

Mo Tiange stared at her then said apathetically, "But Sect Head Wei still isn't happy with it, right?"

Wei Haolan noticed the annoyance in Mo Tiange's expression, but she still smiled. "How could I not be happy with it? Although I'm a Sect Head, Bixuan Court's just a small cultivation group. 2,000 spirit stones... To be honest, I myself wouldn't be able to come up with that number. Nevertheless, this deal isn't profitable for my group."