A Life or Death Fight

Ren Yufeng looked at the scene below him; his face was distorted in anger. Among Bixuan Court's vast area, several hundred cultivators stood scattered all around, but none of them possessed dead aura. He then directed his furious glare at the two women in front of him. "Old women, you've destroyed my good deeds!"

Elder Qingmiao brandished her whip. Under her gauze hat, her expression was ice cold. "Devil cultivator! Death's already knocking on your door but you still dare to be this arrogant!"

"Death's knocking on my door?" Ren Yufeng threw them a contemptuous glance. Cruelty emerged on his face as he continued on: "Even if death's coming, I'll make sure you meet it first!"

"Hmph!" Elder Qingyi looked at him coldly and lowered her enclosed fists on her chest. "As long as we can kill you, so what if two old women like us have to die? You killed my disciples and destroyed my Bixuan Court; today, us martial sisters will definitely avenge ourselves!"