The Scene's Still the Same

Now that the topic had turned to soul formation-related matters, several Foundation Building finally let out their inner chatterboxes. They flew back to Mount Taikang, chatting all the way. The anxiety they had at the beginning that something had happened at the school also faded. In fact, aside from running into other fellow disciples who were also going back to the school, they encountered absolutely nothing strange along their way. If anything happened to Xuanqing School, Kunwu presumably wouldn't be as quiet as it was now.

Mo Tiange heard a lot of news along the way, so now, she at least knew her master was safe and sound. In addition, that Senior Martial Brother Shoujing of hers was going to attempt to form his Nascent Soul soon.

Thinking about it made her quiet as she couldn't figure out how to feel about it. She was about to form her Gold Core, but he was going to form his Nascent Soul soon. The distance between them was still this far...