The Reason for Summoning Disciples

Once he finished explaining what happened after they parted, Ye Zhenji stared at Mo Tiange, humming and hawing, wanting to say something to her but he couldn't say anything for a long time. 

Mo Tiange was bewildered to see him like this. She said, "What? Is there something wrong? Why can't you talk to Aunt?"

Ye Zhenji shot her an awkward look then said cautiously, "Auntie, since you're back, I should come back with you too, according to reason. However, master's been very kind to me—wouldn't it be too inappropriate for me to leave him right after you came back?" 

"So that's it." Mo Tiange smiled and said, "It's good that you have such thoughts. You're no longer a child; you're now already a Foundation Building cultivator—it's totally reasonable for you not to live in my small cave anymore. Furthermore, he's your master. You ought to always attend to him."

"But Auntie, you..." Ye Zhenji looked tangled. "I don't want you to live alone."