
Ten thousand sword lights scattered; Thousand Square Destruction Lights showed its overwhelming momentum, annihilating countless Ice-Condensing Beasts, which then turned into water vapor that filled the entire sky before eventually dissipating.

Ye Jingwen raised his arm and caught his sword in his hand. Seeing the extremely thick ice sheet below him gradually becoming fuzzy and turning into rock walls made a smile appear on his face. 

Although he had no unique treasures, he was a sword cultivator, so he was never complacent in refining his natal sword. Furthermore, he was also very diligent in practicing, so when it came to techniques used in fights of magical power, he was always confident.

This Middle Ages magic formation was very hard to break, but because of that, he felt very accomplished when he succeeded in breaking it—more than twenty years' worth of painstaking practice wasn't a waste of his efforts.