
She must be dreaming. Maybe when she woke up, she'd find herself in the Virtual Sky World as she must've fallen asleep while cultivating.

But, would she have fallen asleep while cultivating? As a Core Formation cultivator, would she have fallen asleep while cultivating?

Then this must be an illusion, must be an illusion…

She tried to convince herself for a long time, but when she opened her eyes, all she saw was still the rock wall and that face.

She wasn't dreaming.

Thus, she eventually lost it and pushed the person in front of her with her all, not caring whether he would crash into the rock wall. Anyway, he was a Core Formation—he wouldn't die just because he crashed into a rock wall. She then groped around for something to hit him, but her surroundings were bare—how could there be anything to hit him with? So, she put her hand into her Qiankun Bag. Paying no attention to what she grabbed inside, she hurled everything at him.
