One Can't Avoid One's Enemy

She got separated from Qin Xi. 

And as she realized that, Mo Tiange sighed. 

There were so many oddities in Immortal's Ruins that she had to think twice before taking each step. In such case, it was really difficult to move a single step without any trustworthy people at her side. 

To Qin Xi, Jing Xingzhi might be a person whom he could trust, but to her, he was not. This man was a typical utilitarian. He was habitually attentive to women and made so many goo-goo eyes at her along the way, but actually, he measured people only by their strength deep inside. If she showed any potential of slowing things down, she would be left behind unceremoniously.

Upon thinking of this, Mo Tiange braced herself. No matter how, she had to hang in there and find Qin Xi. 

"Fellow Daoist Jing, what do you think of the current situation?" 

Hearing what she asked, Jing Xingzhi was lazy and said, "There's something wrong with the fog."