What Was Going On

The three of them flew higher and higher in the mist. Lord Daoist Huayan waved his sleeves to block some immortal aura and asked Qin Xi while frowning, "Shoujing, are you sure you didn't sense things wrong? Why is she in the sky? Should Tiange be flying now?" 

"It shouldn't be wrong," Qin Xi said, "but I also find it strange. The position isn't changing and she seems to be in the sky..."

As Qin Xi was speaking, Lord Daoist Jinghe found something with his divine sense, so he said, "There's a mountain over there." 

Qin Xi and Lord Daoist Huayan immediately understood, and Qin Xi asked, "Master, is there anyone on the mountain?"

Lord Daoist Jinghe shook his head. "There are too many other things on the mountain, and my divine sense can't probe clearly in the fog."