Looking for the Island

After thinking for a while, Mo Tiange shook her head and put the question behind her. Regardless of which one was right, she'd just take a look as this was the only way to pass. 

Mo Tiange was about to put away the Jade Slip and regulate her breath for a while when she suddenly felt Xiaohuo's spiritual aura wavering. She looked up hurriedly to see that Xiaohuo was running further and further, quite a distance from her already. 

Xiaohuo was fighting a very large vine at the moment. Theoretically speaking, Xiaohuo was a fifth rank spiritual beast. Even though the vine was empowered with demonic spirits, it was just a plant; Xiaohuo had gone through a mutation and received Sun Real Fire, so it couldn't easily be defeated by common demonic beasts or plants. But the vine didn't seem afraid of Sun Real Fire; it just avoided the fire then rushed toward Xiaohuo fiercely. 

Noticing that the situation wasn't looking good, Mo Tiange stood up. 
