Fu Jiu Slept with Almighty?

Fu Jiu put a lollipop in her mouth. She then put her laptop on her lap and started to reply, "No, I didn't get kidnapped by Almighty; I successfully moved into Almighty's house."

She couldn't lose the momentum.

Although the truth was that this god set her up!

"Move… moved into Almighty's house?!"

Fu Jiu wasn't a good liar herself, but since she had already started bluffing, she had to keep it up. How could she let anything damage her handsome, domineering image? "Why are you surprised? If he sleeps on my bed one day, would you jump up in shock from the news?"

Sleep… sleeps on his bed… Student Feng's face started to flush completely red again, and he said in a serious tone, "Idol, no dirty talk please. I will report you."