Almighty Gives His Highness Jiu a Table Bam

In the entire Fu family, nobody knew that Fu Jiu was actually a girl except for He Honghua. Even Chen Xiaodong, who followed Fu Jiu around every day, didn't know her true gender.

This was a sacred secret, so even in her own house, Fu Jiu would never act like a normal girl and throw her cosmetics everywhere.

But no matter what, Fu Jiu was still a girl!

Especially the previous Fu Jiu, who had always dreamed of getting back a normal girl's life one day.

So in this very room, there were still some hints that a girl was living there.

In fact, Fu Jiu was quite a thoughtful girl compared to others of her age. She understood well that if people knew that she was girl, then she and her mum would be doomed.

But when she was younger, she wasn't mature enough to handle such a life, so she would always hide her gender on one hand and lose her temper with He Honghua on the other hand.