Signing up for the Gaming Contest

Usually at this time, Fu Jiu would still be in class, but since she handed in her papers early today, she simply called Baby Feng to go out with her.

This time, they didn't go to the internet cafe.

Instead, they headed directly to He Corporation.

That's right, He Honghua's company.

Since the monthly exams were over, there were only three days left before the gaming contest.

Three days' time. She already needed to decide on the representative contestants.

Lord Jiu was directly taking her team member to put his name under the company!

He Honghua wasn't at the company because she was out traveling to find contestants to represent her company.

Without her knowing, Fu Jiu had already found them for her and formed a team of five.

When Fu Jiu walked into He Corporation, the assistant on the phone was stunned. She stood up right away, and her complexion instantly looked awful.

How else would she possibly be?