Almighty Qin Enjoys Being a Guardian So Much

To them, Young Master Qin's question sounded like, "Do you want your left or right hand chopped off?"

It didn't matter which; something was going to be chopped off!

"Can't make the decision?" Qin Mo shifted his gaze away from them and sounded emotionless as he continued, "Then don't choose. Supervisor Li, record these few teachers' qualifications in the file."

So, he is dealing with this publicly then?

The teachers were worried. As soon as they were filed, then not only would be they unable to teach at No.1 Middle School, they could no longer be teachers!

"Young Master Qin, I choose private!" Teacher Zhang's voice changed. "I will answer all of Fu Jiu's requests. This issue is not serious enough to be filed yet. It was a misunderstanding from the beginning."

Teacher Zhang's words sounded like she was confessing, but in fact, she didn't apologize at all. She only repeated that it was a misunderstanding.