Buying Candies Is a Trap?

Fu Jiu just realized this god must have drunk wine, because the moment Qin Mo got close to her, his breath blew on her face, with the light smell of the wine following. He said a strange sentence, "Even the best phone, once taken by your hand, is just a decoration."

Fu Jiu just said, "Hm?" with a slightly puzzled expression.

Originally, Qin Mo had prepared a way to discipline the youngster. After seeing Fu Jiu's face, his resolve became much weaker.

He was an enlightened older brother.

This youngster mostly needed to be cared for during the rebellious period of his adolescence.

Obviously, blaming the youngster for his faults again today was not suitable.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo retracted his gaze and commanded the driver, "To the Milky Way SOHO."

The Milky Way SOHO?

The mall?

What were they going to do there?

Fu Jiu could not catch up with this man's train of thought even a little bit.