He Thought He Was a Keyboard Warrior, But He Was Actually a Blackie

All the people there were a little full of themselves.

Because they were good at studying, they looked down upon people for this or that reason, and they even saw themselves as upholders of justice without any good justification.

No matter how nice and good looking Fu Jiu was as a person, without good scores, she was still treated as an outcast by them.

They were giving off an aura of "I don't like you."

In fact, nobody really cared if they were liked by them or not.

They only cared about themselves, so when they were checking the scores, they even carried their stuck-up faces along.

After they had checked their own scores, they all looked to the last person's name just to find a reason to mock those who loved Fu Jiu again.


They didn't find it!

They started looking at the end and searched all the way up the list, but they still didn't find the name that they were looking for!