Highness Jiu Is Flirting

At first, people were confused. Why is that young man walking over there?

But they soon realized that that was the place where Almighty Qin was standing!

What… What is going on here?!

Qin Mo could be seen from afar wearing that pure black battle uniform. Standing a dozen steps above everyone else, he looked at the young man walking towards him. As he narrowed his eyes, he became more and more attractive.

His facial expression was still indifferent, but even now, he was still raising his beautiful eyebrows. He was completely emitting an aura of austerity.

Everyone watched in a daze.

Not only the audience, but even the judges were shocked.

They had never expected that things would develop like this.

What did this young man want to achieve by walking in front of Almighty Qin like that?

In that moment, all the cameras changed angles. They were pointed at those two!