Almighty Qin Hates Gays

Fu Jiu: "…" Why does this sound so familiar?

Xue Yaoyao was stunned too. She quietly recalled what His Highness Jiu had said to her.

Miraculously, she understood the reason why Almighty Qin asked His Highness Jiu to pay… She lowered her head and looked at His Highness Jiu's hand on hers. She was not sure why, but she felt an icy chill coming from behind!

Luckily, Xue Yaoyao was a careful observer. She started to save herself by pulling her hand away.

Qin Mo didn't say anything more. He reached his hand out so that one hand was in his pocket, while the other dragged the young man by the back of his collar all the way to the rooftop. Perhaps these two were both so outstanding, causing even this scene to be effortlessly handsome.

All the male players felt like something was off. Xue Yaoyao, as a little girl with a dirty mind, watched the whole thing with her wild imagination running crazy in her head.