Fu Jiu One Versus One

Only the player who sat next to Hoshino knew that he left.

Even Fu Jiu didn't realize that she had just missed her old friend.

That player looked at Hoshino's back. He was still caught up in the excitement of meeting him in person, and he wanted to tell everyone about it so badly.

In Japan, gaming contests were more respected than they were in China.

In their eyes, playing games professionally was a proper job.

It was just that, when there were a lot of people, there were a lot of different ideologies.

There were many people who believed themselves to be infallible, and would start mocking before they knew the truth of things.

It had nothing to do with what country this person was from. Narrow-minded people all thought alike and they would never realize their lack of depth.

Just like Shuji right now…

After he heard Fu Jiu and Qin Mo, he looked even gloomier. Even his hands were tightened into fists.