Fu Jiu Recovers Her Memories...

Just like that, after being pulled in with someone putting their hand over her eyes, she was completely enveloped inside a cool embrace…

When that faint tobacco scent reached her nose, the scent of blood was no longer as distinct as before.

Nobody expected that Qin Mo would stop Fu Jiu at this moment.

That man stood like a beautiful jade statue. He possessed slim, long legs and a pretty face. His white shirt had bloodstains on it, but even so, it couldn't suppress his innate outstanding presence.

Because he was unique.

If people had to describe him, then he would be a piece of jade so perfectly polished that no evil being could even get near him.

When he covered the young man's eyes, his low and deep voice would especially become uniquely deeper.

"You want to get him killed? Then do it with your eyes closed. Your eyes are still inflamed, so seeing this much blood is inappropriate."