The Two of Them Went Out Together

Qin Mo lowered his eyes and realized that the young man was looking at him. He didn't know why, but the young man seemed a bit zoned out.

After processing everything that happened just now, he thought that the kid might just be stunned.

That's right. The Almighty believed that his little brother was scared by all of this.

And that conclusion was brought about by his overprotectiveness of his little brother.

Qin Mo automatically ignored how brutal Fu Jiu was when she was kicking that guy.

The young man looked silly now, and with a little blood on his face, he looked no different than a little child.

Even though he looked ridiculously handsome, he still looked rather silly.

Qin Mo's gaze became warmer and warmer as he thought about the young man. He then took his wallet out and threw money on the table for repairs to the bar.

He gave away so much money that the hotel bodyguards who came down here didn't know what to do with it.