Qin Mo Took the Lead, Kill

"Shuji looks angrier today than before."

"Ha, it's gonna be good! When Shuji is angry, even four people wouldn't be able to stop him."

"Did Shuji plan on having a killing spree? Can't wait!"

The passion from the fans was unstoppable, but even with such deafening cheering, Manager Feng's smile didn't change a bit. He shook hands with the manager of the other team. "Shall we?"

The Sakura Stream manager was going to say a few more things and brag about their successes, or at the very least, have a little bit of small talk.

But Feng Yi's words made him swallow his, in order to show his openness. "Yes."

This was not an official match, so there were no one-on-one matches or doubles, only a five-on-five siege match.

Even if it was a friendly match, it followed international gaming rules.

In non-professional Hero games, each player could die countless times and revive by returning to the city.