War Time! The First Step of a Face Slap

Under the eyes of the public.

That young man, who looked like a vampire royal, had one hand in his pocket as he walked up to Shuji.

So bloodthirsty and brutal, like an avenger stepping right out of the darkness.

"That Qin Mo?" Fu Jiu tilted her head. Her eyes were freezing/ "Who gave you the right to call my brother in that way?"

Shuji wasn't disturbed by it at all. Instead, he felt that his blood was boiling. "I see you are upset? If so, you come play in this game."

"Me…" Fu Jiu paused and curled her lips up into a smile. "You wish. Honestly, I've dealt with people like you a lot, what makes you think I would compete with you? Is Sakura Stream a team of robbers? Forcing people to play is allowed here?"

Feng Shang: … Idol, trust me, nobody looks more like a mafia member than you do right now!

Fu Jiu spoke in Japanese, and that created an instant round of mayhem.