Supreme Alliance Captain Is A Weakling?

Luckily, they did well on the middle lane, and took out two of their defense towers at once.

They had to take one more defense tower out, then it was on to the the main city.

But Yun Hu's HP was almost drained, barely hanging on with only a sad tiny bit of health left!

Whoever came along would take him out in a second.

If Yun Hu died again, then they would have lost five lives!

"The situation is bad for the Supreme Alliance."

"Tsk tsk, this match might be boring for Shuji, the opponent is too weak."

"Tell me about it."

That reporter curled the corner of his lip up, and said with disdain, "What is their Captain doing? How did he become Captain, when he is not even as good as that Yun Hu?"

"Didn't Shuji say that his hands were injured?" The other reporter was more understanding.

"I don't think it's because of the injury, he's just lame!"