Take the Almighty Home and Keep Him

Because they were outside in public after all, Fu Jiu's laughter didn't last long. Plus, she still needed to eat.

After that, the owner lady gave Qin Mo a look every time before spicing the kebabs, as if she were saying, "I'm watching you, you better be nice to your younger brother." Fu Jiu derived pleasure from all of this.

Those internet-addicted boys had been watching, enjoying it even more after drinking. Sh*t, why do handsome people do everything so handsomely?

They would never believe that those two were just friends!

But this was not the key problem right now.

One of their phones buzzed with a text reading, "You don't dare to come?"

The person showed this text to his buddies.

"WTF! Tell him we're gonna take his whole team out! Does he wanna die?"

But then they realized they still needed one more player for a 5v5 match.