Almighty Qin Picked Someone Up At the Fu Family

"Captain, we heard from Fu Ximing."

That night, the Kali Team's members were all sitting in front of computers as they turned around.

Liuli stood up. "What did they say?"

"Nothing more than what we expected." That person smiled, looking indescribably proud. "Captain predicted everything correctly. Fu Ximing wants to kick that useless Young Master Fu out of the Supreme Alliance even more than we do. He told us to continue commenting and that tomorrow the entire gaming industry will know about this."

Liuli looked down. "With this, Fu Jiu is over."

"Who cares about his outcome. Captain, I know you are a kind-hearted person, but think carefully. If not for that Fu Jiu, the Supreme Alliance members would still be our friends, right? Once he's gone, we can slowly fix our relationship with the Supreme Alliance."

Liuli heard her teammates and looked like she was convinced, "Okay then, let's do this."