Writing You Into A Song

He only started to feel that… it might not have been a good idea to bring the young man here.

Qin Mo attempted to distract himself.

It was to prevent himself from failing to control himself wherein he would grab the young man and walk off.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason… he hated girls.

All the girls who tried to get near the young man looked like eyesores.

Including Han Susu.

Qin Mo knew very well that many high school kids in their rebellious phase would fall for girls like Han Susu.

This kind of girls knew how to dress up and get what they want by wheedling…

Did his younger brother like that kind of girl too?

As soon as he thought about this, Qin Mo's eyes deepened.

Jiang Zuo noticed this and walked over.

He saw how those endlessly deep eyes of Qin Mo were abnormally focused on the young man's side profile.

Those eyes…

Made Jiang Zuo's heart sink.

He must be overthinking…