Giving Out Sweets, Giving Out Sweets...

"I'm no philosopher, or Z, so I've no idea what she would do when she reaches that step." Qin Mo threw a look at the youngster. "Alright, people who are in their rebellious years are not suitable for such talks. Come over."

Once again, Fu Jiu felt that she was being viewed contemptuously by the Almighty because of her status as a high school student. Even topics depended on age?

And, when could he stop talking about her rebellious years?

Fu Jiu didn't move.

Honestly, she always wanted to know why the Almighty was at her heels so persistently? Was it because he thought of her as someone bad?

Qin Mo frowned when he saw the youngster in his place. Using some strength, he lifted the youngster's chin with his hand.

"What?" Fu Jiu took one step back.

Qin Mo pulled her back in directly. "Stay and don't move."

It was only then that Fu Jiu saw what the Almighty was holding in his hand—a light-colored lip balm.