He Didn’t Want to Let Him Go

The movie went on for a long time.

Fu Jiu wasn't sure how the Almighty felt, but she had been watching the movie intently.

She endured it. Finally, at the last scene, the screen fixed on the male lead's face, which had traces of tears visible.

Qin Mo frowned.

If possible, he would have wanted the youngster to watch a movie with a happy ending instead of one with such heaviness.

Fu Jiu felt otherwise. "It would indeed be difficult for two people of different backgrounds to come together."

One is a policeman and the other a bandit. Even if the bandit treats the policeman exceptionally well, to the point of breaking his own principles for the other—the dark will always remain dark.

If only one of us can survive, I wish for it to be you.

This was the ending of the movie.

Fu Jiu watched as the bandit headed for execution silently.

Even until the end, he still kept a firm grip on the crucifix in his hands.