Did I Say You Can Go Home?

Qin Mo's eyes dimmed, spitting another line, "Between the National League and Li Mengran, which do you value more?"

It was a question of choice.

Fu Jiu wasn't certain how a person in a relationship would feel. If she was really in a relationship with Li Mengran, she would definitely view her with higher importance, but for this matter, Fu Jiu didn't want to lie.

"The National League." Fu Jiu added another line, "But Li Mengran is my girlfriend."

Qin Mo lifted a brow. "A girlfriend that isn't as important as the National League?"

"Yes, at this moment." Fu Jiu couldn't wrap her mind over it, but the Almighty seemed less distant.

Qin Mo continued calmly, "Then she isn't that important."

"She is important, too." Fu Jiu wanted the Almighty to know she had reasons for taking action.

Qin Mo remained silent, his gaze dimming once more.