Holding Hands and Giving Out Sweets

Qin Mo looked at the embracing couple, tightening his grip on his pen.

He assumed that it would only be a short while, but when the youngster tilted his head to whisper into Li Mengran's ears, it prompted Qin Mo to take action.

Li Mengran nodded. Before she could verbally acknowledge the words, she felt the youngster's arms being pulled away.

It was Qin Mo.

His arm held onto the youngster's right elbow, no intention of letting go as he commanded in a deep voice, "Take care."

He was clearly sending them away.

Li Mengran paused slightly before breaking into a smile. This time, she really left.

Once they were gone, Qin Mo titled over, his tone slightly cold. "I told you to break up, not to rekindle your relationship."

"I only hugged her because we were going to break up." Fu Jiu added, "If I didn't do that, it wouldn't have made sense for me to have cried the entire night."