Rest Assured

"Everyone of you has a mother, some of you might have an elder sister, a younger one or maybe even a daughter. I believe that anyone with even the least bit of humanity would not wish for their loved ones to be faced with accusations after suffering such a torment." Qin Mo paused, lifting his lids. His imposing face had the ability to command the entire crowd. "It's about time we give a voice to those without the power to speak."

In that instance, the entire atmosphere shifted.

No questions were being raised because there was no longer a need.

After entering the industry for such a long time, some of them had lost their morals in the quest for a scoop.

But at the end of the day, they were all humans — and if they couldn't even serve justice for the victim, would they also be subjected to such treatment should their daughters be faced with such a case in the future?

More than half of them lowered their microphones and cameras.