Continue Distributing Sweets

Fu Jiu hadn't expected that embrace.

It only dawned on her when the warmth of his chest spread across her face.

The sweater brushed her face as the Almighty's other hand caressed her head and the world seemed to quieten down.

When someone was so absurdly close to another, only their heartbeats could be heard.

The airport was where people sent others off.

Hence, the sight of a handsome man with a youngster in his arms wasn't out of the ordinary, but Deputy Zhang thought otherwise about the scene in front of him.

Unlike Feng Yi, he had never experienced such things, it was the first time he saw Young Master Qin hugging anyone.

Their appearance was definitely a treat for the eyes, it wasn't just their faces, even their figure, air, and dressing.

Even with Bo Jiu buried deep in Qin Mo's chest, those passing could still catch a glimpse of the white cat who Bo Jiu carried and who was sandwiched between both of them.