Trap to Capture Spade Z!

"Has Spade Z been training for the sorcerer?"

"Even if he has trained for the character, it has been less than five days. An unfamiliar character would place him in a disadvantage."

"Regardless, let's watch and see."

A commotion arose from the audience.

For the 5v5 teamfight, Bo Jiu sat in the middle, fully geared in battle attire, a white cat resting on her thighs, with Xue Yaoyao and Lin Feng at either side.

Coco was here as well, serving as an aide.

But still, such a formation seemed worrisome.

"Once it starts, I will be the only one in the middle, regardless of how many people there are." Bo Jiu lowered her voice as she instructed the others, "Yaoyao, take the bottom lane and the others take the top lane. Lin Feng, you focus on the jungle in the bottom lane and watch out for the bushes. Now, wear your headsets and switch on your mics."