Dashing Spade Z!

But both the fans and the shoutcaster missed out on one point!

The feminine shoutcaster lit up. "I get it!"

Get it?

Before the crowd could hear his explanation, Spade Z waved her arm, a huge rain spell enveloping the surrounding area with her in the middle.

Both of the opponent's master attacks were gone amidst the rain spell.

However, while to Spade Z who had called the spell, it was just rain, to the others, the droplets were blades!


Their vice-captain was at his last breath, he wanted to stand firm, hoping the assassin could escape, but, it wasn't possible for the youngster to let him go.

"Lin Feng."

The soft command came through the headset and into the audience.

"Here! Come on, Little Spade, let's begin this revolutionary cooperation!"

That's right!
