Like the Youngster

This was the first time Han Susu was subjected to such mockery, causing her face to turn a bright shade of red.

The words were a hard slap on her face.

Han Susu couldn't handle it any longer and escaped while the victorious cheers continued.

The youngster, the MVP, held onto the white cat, the handsomeness that emitted from his face flashed onto the screen perfectly.


Behind the computer screen, Wu Zhen smashed the mouse in her hand, her gaze dark and sinister.

It wasn't because of Supreme Alliance's victory, but the white cat the youngster held in his arms.

Wu Zhen never expected to see "Princess".

Others might not be aware of the cat's identity, but Wu Zhen was.

That person never allowed anyone near his cat, not even her ━ but now, Princess had appeared in the deserted Young Master Fu's hands.

Wu Zhen tightened her grip gradually, an evil glow clouding her face until the doorbell rang.