
Every female with coldness in their body would know that the real pain didn't come on the day their period came but rather the day before.

After Bo Jiu cleaned up, she carried Princess to her room.

Princess assumed that she would open up her laptop and find an image or perhaps create the basement where she could chase after a ball.

Instead, the youngster went straight for the bed and under the covers, her side view looking sickly and pale.

Honestly, when the youngster with weird scent didn't play with him, Princess couldn't get used to it.

He tilted his head left and right, watching her; his big round face arrogant as though in deep thought.

After he finished thinking, he reached a paw out, using his cushion to pat the youngster's face.

But the youngster didn't react.

Princess wasn't the least bit like a ruler, he glanced at the youngster once more, dragging out his purring, "Meow~!"