Exposed Wu Zhen

Bo Jiu glanced at Wu Zhen, her lips curving upwards, incredibly pale, making it seem as though she was a vampire. "Who told you I called Bai Qianye?"

"No matter who you call, you'll have to suffer the consequences of your crimes." Wu Zhen suppressed her hatred, grabbing onto a pen. "Let's talk about the case. On the 26th of December at 8 pm, where were you?"

Bo Jiu replied faintly and with only one word, "Home."

"Who can prove that?" Wu Zhen narrowed her eyes.

Bo Jiu smiled at that. "My family members of course."

Since Wu Zhen knew it was a dead end, she decided to change her tactic.

"There aren't many people with hacker skills like you. Did you feel happy stealing your own account back during the Jiang City gaming selection competition?"