Overwhelming Handsomeness

Feng Yi definitely wouldn't tell the youngster about the program. This was also part of the script and in order to get interesting footage.

He lifted his lips into a crafty smile. "There'll be training in Lin City."

"A training located in another city?" Bo Jiu lifted her brows.

As an experienced manager, he already had an excuse prepared. "The recent loss affected everyone's spirits. With the beautiful scenery and beaches in Lin City, it'll definitely reduce the pressure on everyone."

Bo Jiu retracted her legs, giving up on going to the basement. "When are we leaving?"

"Today." Feng Yi lifted his wrist towards the time. "The tickets have been booked by the company, someone would come and get you in an hour so just pack up, bring along an extra set of clothes. Most importantly, remember to look good."

Bo Jiu lifted her lids nonchalantly. "We have to care about our appearance during training now?"