Young Master of the Hacker World

"Wait a minute," the mysterious person said because he had detected a commotion from afar. Shifting to the side, he hid by the walkway. His back was leaning against the wall while his dark eyes were watching the two people walking over.

"It doesn't seem convenient for you to talk."

"Indeed, there are cameras everywhere because of the program." He laughed deeply and was prepared to say more, but the youngster who had walked a distant suddenly paused, looking in his direction.

"What is it?" Lin Chentao lifted a brow.

Bo Jiu took a step back.

"Hey, Little Spade, I'm talking to you, what is it?" Lin Chentao persisted.

Bo Jiu's gaze deepened, curling her lips. "Nothing, my vision went blurry."

"Have you been gaming too closely to the monitor? You're becoming paranoid." Before he could finish speaking, Bo Jiu stuffed a hand into her pocket with a faint smile on her lips. "Let's just assume I was being paranoid. I thought I saw someone."