Jiu in Female Disguise Again (4)

The next second, before Madam Zhang could react, her young master pulled the girl up to the second floor.

This… this!

Madam Zhang raised her hands to cover her mouth, her entire expression changing.

Bo Jiu lifted a brow. Before she could speak, she was pressed against the door.

Qin Mo glanced down while his gaze was approaching and his breath carrying a hint of coldness from outside.

He hadn't forgotten why he concluded he was gay.

His dreams were all of the person in front of him because he had dreamt of ripping the youngster's clothes a countless number of times.

Right now, was he out of his mind?

He had the guts to cross-dress in front of him after his confession?

Qin Mo exerted strength.

Bo Jiu never intended to retaliate. Instead, she gazed straight into his eyes, her lips upturned. "Brother Mo, do you think girls are better right now?"

The surge of heat within him calmed instantly.