Found It

A ringing phone shattered her thoughts.

However, this time, Qin Mo wasn't called by the special forces troops, but the crime squad.

When Bo Jiu saw the name Little Huang appearing on his phone screen, she paused, wondering who it was.

For him to pick such an endearing nickname…

Unexpectedly, the Almighty picked it up nonchalantly. "What is it?"

The person replied calmly, "Something big."

Even though the other person said just two words, it was enough for her to identify him.

It was obviously Director Huang from the crime squad.

So Director Huang was 'Little Huang'?

The Almighty's naming skills were over the top.

That aside, the Almighty didn't seem to be guarding against her when he picked up the call because Bo Jiu could faintly hear the voice from the other side.