Sweetness (8 in 1) Expensive

Couple photo?

Bo Jiu arched her brow, placing the utensils down before lifting her lips into a faint smile. "How can we take a photo without our phones? Besides, isn't the program going to be broadcasted after the filming is done? Aren't you afraid it'll kill the surprise?"

"It's to create attention," the storyboard director explained while passing her the phone. "You can use it for the photo and once it's done, we'll have to collect it back. All three teams will send photos out at the same time. This can also be considered as fan service since the program has announced the esports theme beforehand, and the fans have been guessing the guests for the past two days. The photos can be used to curb their curiosity for a while."

Bo Jiu glanced over at the Almighty. "They would never have guessed Brother Mo."